Secure with Frilans Finans
Those of you who are working via Frilans Finans always have good basic protection via basic insurance that covers your basic needs. For those with specific insurance needs, we have developed two complementary insurance products: Frilans Extra trygg and Tjänstereseförsäkring travel insurance.We want you to always feel safe and secure, and not to have to ponder too much about insurance.
When you work through Frilans Finans, you are covered by a comprehensive insurance programme, which includes life insurance (comparable to collectively agreed group life insurance, TGL, in Sweden) and accidental casualty insurance. Click on the links below to read the complete terms of this insurance.
Casualty insurance covers all our users up to the age of 65 years who are working through Frilans Finans. This insurance pays for disablement caused by accident up to 20 times the Swedish statutory price base amount (currently SEK 856,000), as well as medical and dental expenses, medical-related travel and rehabilitation, scarring, personal aids and added expenses. This insurance provides cover both on and off working hours, and foreign travel, with no deductables.
The group life insurance – TGL – is the same as the collective agreement group insurance found in the Swedish ITP plan. Insurance is paid as a tax-free lump sum payment in case of death, at the rate of 6 times the price base amount, with child benefits (2 times the price base amount) per child. The insurance covers you at all times.
Consultants must be fully employable and have regular working hours of at least 8 hours per week for this TGL coverage to apply.
Supplement your basic insurance coverage by adding the Frilans Extra Secure insurance. You receive added coverage to insure most of your needs, just in case.
Cancellation Insurance
This insurance applies when you have to cancel work-related travel due to illness (either your own or in your family), accident, or death in the family or other unexpected events that prevent you from travelling to perform your work duties. The insurance pays for expenses related to cancellation as well as the ticket cost.
This definitely adds protection since most credit card or home insurance policies do not cover these expenses.
Illness or accident
Coverage includes health care expenses, including expenses related to travel back to your home, other related expenses, and for the travel of family to visit you where you are.
Baggage Insurance
This covers all personal items you had with you, whether borrowed or rented, that are damaged or lost during your trip. It even covers theft-attractive items, travel documents, money, and additional expenses related to stopping your credit cards, and replacing car or house keys.
Trip Interruption
This covers additional expenses whenever you are forced to interrupt your trip in advance due to, for example, illness.
Liability Insurance
If you become liable for any damages during your business travel for amounts up to SEK 10 million.
Deductable Coverage
This covers costs related to insurance deductables you are liable for in relation to car, motorcycle, or bicycle rental, claims on your home insurance or private car insurance policies that are related to your business travel.
Added Assurance Package
This covers medical advice by telephone with 24 hour service, and reimbursement for added expenses related to evacuation, or if you are forced to extend your travel due to a natural catastrophe or the like. You can also get help on-site through our Euro Center.
Only SEK 11 per day
The entire insurance package applies with no deductables. You pay only for the days you use the insurance – a highly attractive price for the protection you get. You can order your travel insurance for each trip, or set it automatically for whenever you travel for work using Frilans Finans. Choose your preferred alternative below.
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